Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Room 11 and 12's assembly this Friday


The children have been rehearsing their lines and are ready to share their play with the school this Friday.  The last thing to organise is costumes.   The children will have time to change out of their uniforms during lunch.  Please bring clothes in a named plastic bag.

Elephants: Grey or black clothing
Snakes: Black and white clothing
Spiders: Black or dark coloured clothing
Parrots: Colourful clothes red, blue, orange etc
Frogs: Green clothing or uniform
Bats: Black or dark clothing
Caterpillars: white, yellow or green clothing
Monkeys: Brown clothing

Monday, 20 November 2017

Reading for information

To support our inquiry we have been learning to research using keywords.  Using our notetaking skills we then record relevant information and reorganise this using a variety of maps.

The next step is to summarise what we have learnt and make connections.

Mahika - 'Crabs have predators like birds and jellyfish.  One way the stay safe is by moving fast over land and having a hard shell over their body. '

Arina - 'The main predators of the seastar are snails and sea turtles.  If they are unlucky to be grabbed by a predator they are forced to detach an arm.  Fortunately they grow a new one.'

Daniel - 'The mussels predators are starfish, crabs and strong currents can cause trouble too.  Their hard shell helps protect the soft insides and their strong foot helps them to suction onto rocks when the water is strong.'

Monday, 13 November 2017

Have a go day

Congratulations to the 5 students selected to represent our school at the Year 3 and 4 'Have a go' day.  You showed excellent sportsmanship and gave every sport 100% effort.

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Animal riddles

To write an animal riddle you need to both inform and describe your animal to the audience.  Click through some of our animal riddles and see if you can find our hidden facts.

Monday, 6 November 2017

What is an ecosystem?

Record one key idea that you have learnt from the video.  What are some key topic words we might use when describing an ecosystem?

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Crayon and chalk art

Check out our art pieces using crayon, chalk and dye.